Also introduced was NintendoLand, a game with a theme-park feel that featured various attractions based on famous Nintendo franchises such as Donkey Kong, Animal Crossing, The Legend of Zelda, Luigi's Mansion, etc. In addition to the mini-game attractions that were demoed at E3, there are said to be another 10 Nintendo franchise themed attractions that you will be able to experience within NintendoLand. NintendoLand showcases the many ways that the new Wii U Gamepad controller can be utilized in gameplay, and as such, it would make a great game to include as a pack-in title with the new Wii U console at the system's launch.
In an effort not to leave Mario fans out in the cold at the Wii U system release and this holiday season, Nintendo also showcased three new Mario games and one Luigi game that will be available by year's end: the Midas-touched Super Mario Bros. 2 for the 3DS, Super Mario Bros U for the new Wii U console, Paper Mario: Sticker Star for the 3DS, and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon for the 3DS. I'm personally excited about all of these games, and have all but the Super Mario Bros U already pre-ordered (that one wasn't available when I pre-ordered the other games, but is definitely going on my pre-order list soon).
In addition to the games mentioned above, there were actually quite a few games mentioned at E3 2012 that will be released at the time of the launch of the Wii U; here's a listing of the launch title lineup:
Pikmin 3
New Super Mario Bros. U
Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Darksiders 2
Mass Effect 3
Tekken Tag Tournment 2
Trine 2: Director’s Cut
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge
Aliens Colonial Marines
Wii Fit U
LEGO City: Undercover
Just Dance 4
The Avengers: Battle for Earth
Assassin’s Creed III
Rayman Legends
Rabbids Land
YourShape: Fitness Evolved 2013
Looks like there's something for everyone!
All in all, the E3 conference was a success, and Nintendo definitely had the best showing of any of the gaming giants that showcased their wares at E3. We're sure to hear more about the Wii U, 3DS and their associated games in the next few months leading up to their holiday release -- looking forward to hearing every bit of it!